Pruning Day – Miss Whalley’s Field, Volunteers needed

Pruning Day – Miss Whalley’s Field, volunteers needed

Do you remember planting all those trees on the Field, to create  Jean Argles Wood? Well practically all the trees we planted survived and the time has come for them to receive some attention, so Volunteers are needed.

On 18th Feb there will be a work party on the Field to prune the trees under the expert supervision of the David from the Council. We shall be taught how to sharpen secateurs and how to prune the saplings so that  they grow into young trees rather than bushes.

If you are interested and would like to help, then do come along  on Saturday 18th Feb at 10am, on the Field.

This is probably not one for younger children, but provided you can wield a pair of secateurs and can follow instructions then you are most welcome.

Of course Chairman Paul Wiggins will ensure that the weather is perfect.

See you there!

To find out more about Miss Whalley’s Field, one of the Gregson’s sub groups, click here.