We love our Volunteers!

Hello! Please have a look below at our current volunteering opportunities, and if you’d like to find out more – please get in touch with our Volunteer Co-ordinator Lisa at l.shrimpton@gregson.co.uk  Alternatively fill out our expression of interest form and Lisa will be in touch soon for a chat.

Regular Bar Volunteers

The Gregson’s Cafe/Bar is the beating heart of our Community and Arts Centre – people come from far and wide to meet, celebrate or join in one of our many activities or groups.  We’re open from 11am – 11pm, 7 days a week, and our Bar Volunteers give us crucial additional capacity and help to ensure that we give the warmest of welcomes to everyone who comes in.

It’s a sociable and often very busy role that suits people who are keen to be involved in a lively and enjoyable environment.  You’ll be volunteering alongside a paid Bar Supervisor, and will mainly get to do the fun stuff (serving drinks, cakes and chatting to people) not the dull stuff in the cellar..

We are looking for several new Bar Volunteers, who can commit to a weekly session of 2-3 hours on either a Saturday or a Sunday. You’ll get plenty of support, training and encouragement and be part of our wider Volunteer Team, with opportunities to take part in other activities if you wish and come along to social events.

If you enjoy meeting and chatting with people, are reliable, and a relatively quick learner (it does take a while, we know that!) and could take on a weekly session – please contact Lisa, our Volunteer Co-ordinator, by emailing l.shrimpton@gregson.co.uk or by ringing 01524 849959. No obligation – just find out a bit more.  We’d love to hear from you.



Radio Gregson

C’mon you creatives…

We’re about to start planning an exciting new initiative – a regular Gregson podcast and we need a couple more volunteers to join our gang, to help us scope out, plan and deliver a completely new way for us to engage with the good people of Lancaster District.  We want to tell the stories of the Gregson and all the amazing people who are part of our history and our wider community.

We’ll be needing people with ideas, people who could develop content, reach out and interview folk, do the Technical Things; I daresay we may need a drop of bespoke marketing… There’ll be lots to do.

If this appeals to you at all, please get in touch with Lisa


Support Highfield Sports Ground

This is a really great role for a local person that doesn’t have much time to give.
Did you know that Highfiled Sports Ground is a Sub Group of the Gregson?
The Highfield site has very little vandalism or anti social behaviour because it is consistently locked up at night.  The group are currently needing more people to join the gate rota.
If you are able to open up just one day a week by 9am it would be hugely appreciated.  We are currently looking for people to open up on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Or if you are not a morning person, we are looking for people to lock up on Tuesday, and Saturday evenings.  The site gets locked up either at sunset, or 9pm (whichever is earlier).
You would be given a key to the padlock, and you would simply need to lock/unlock the padlock on the gate into the site, and the gate into the MUGA.
If you are able to help, please email Judith on gregson.highfield@gmail.com
A large bowls green on a sunny day

Join the Gregson Festival Group

Are you interested in meeting new people and helping with the organisation of local community events?
The Gregson Festival Group (GFG) is a subgroup of the Gregson. Their main objective is to put on low cost, accessible community events that promote community life.
The group organise a variety of events throughout the year, including the annual Children’s Halloween Fair, and the Santa Float that visits the Ridge and Freehold near Christmas.
Their largest event is the bonfire and firework display that takes place on Miss Whalley’s Field (subject to raising funds). The group are now seeking a couple of new volunteers to join their friendly group and help them to organise and run events. They are looking for community minded people and those with skills in community fundraising and those experienced in putting together small fundraising applications.
The GFG meet once a month for around 2 hours at busy times (between September and January), and less frequently throughout the year, depending on plans. If you are interested in community activity and making things happen, please get in touch with  Chair, Paul at: gregsonfestivalgroup@aol.co.uk to arrange an informal chat to find out more about what they do or join them at one of their meetings to say hello to the group and learn more about them.
Volunteers dressed as elves and Father Christmas

-Not something here for you?

If you’d like to find out more about any of the above roles, or have any questions to do with volunteering – please get in touch with Lisa, our Volunteer Co-ordinator by emailing l.shrimpton@gregson.co.uk or by calling 01524 849959