Georgian Harmony Singing Workshops

Age Range: All ages welcome (Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult)
Ability Level: No experience necessary, songs will be taught by ear.
Upcoming dates: 14th Sept, 12th Oct, 9th Nov, 7th Dec

Learn beautiful stirring songs from the Georgian caucasus with teacher Beth de Lange.

Georgia is a small country bordering the Black Sea, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey. Its’ polyphonic music, as well as its unique alphabet, have been recognised by UNESCO as an ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity’. Some of the songs are ancient, while some urban songs are newer. Though small, there is great variety within the different regions Georgia, including soothing healing songs, rousing table songs, and reverent chants. These songs touch something deep inside our bodies, reaching down to the earth and back through generations of ancestors.

You can enjoy hearing your voice blended with others, creating rich harmonies and vibrations that stir the soul. You will learn by ear, as is the tradition, so you don’t need to read music. If you do read music, you could take this opportunity to exercise your aural memory.

Singing makes you feel good. Singing with other people helps build our community – come join the community on your doorstep!

For more info contact

About Beth
Beth de Lange first came across Georgian polyphonic singing at Unicorn summer voice camp in 1998. She was hooked immediately by the rich, unusual harmonies, and the power of the songs. She has since leant from visiting Georgian singers from Georgian choirs; Mtiebi, Anchiskhati, Mzetamze, Sathanao, Ialoni, Musikeli, as well as a trip to Georgia to visit the singing village, Lakhushdi, in the high mountains of Svaneti. Beth is a member of NVN (Natural Voice Network) and has led choirs since 1998. She enjoys teaching songs by ear, for its authenticity as well as its inclusivity. Beth leads local Georgian choir “Chveni Khmebi” and is looking forward to sharing this wonderful music with you.